Meet Otie!

Meet Otie!


Hello! We would like to take some time to introduce Otie, our new mascot. Big Play in a Box has curated gift/subscription boxes for kids since November 2021. We have received great feedback along the way, however, it has always felt like there was something missing that would allow us to connect with the kids past the level of providing great interactive/hands-on activities in our boxes. 

Otie was created by our great marketing team and introduced to the world in July 2023. Otie is a friendly little monster whose greatest desire is to play and engage with his friends and family. 

However, Otie like many kids has some difficulty with sensations in his environment. Many families can relate to having a child that struggles when his/her clothes do not feel right. Things are too loud. Their child gags when certain foods are presented.  Their child has a difficult time slowing down or even waking up. Maybe their child seems unusually clumsy or rough with things and those around him/her. 

Otie would like to help you as caregivers, grandparents, aunts/uncles, babysitters, therapists, teachers, and whomever else enters your child's life to understand from his point of view what it feels like to have sensory processing difficulties that lead to emotional and physical difficulties in his world. You see, one of Otie's best friends (and let's be real, his voice) belongs to Miss Connie. She is an Occupational Therapist of 30+ years who has always had a special interest and desire to make her little friends feel more comfortable in their own skin and help educate the adults around them on how to help. 

Our boxes have taken a small change of delivery as well. We have changed from a monthly subscription to a quarterly one. Delivery will occur in the months of JULY/OCTOBER/JANUARY/APRIL. Soon, our CART will open and we will be able to take orders for our designated spots. JULY 18-22, 2023 the doors will open and our subscriptions will be available on a first-come, first-serve basis.  If you join our waitlist you will have access to special early bird specials that will not be open to the public. Delivery of our first quarterly box will occur on July 25.

Let's say, you are not ready to commit to a subscription, BUT, you are curious and know a child who could benefit from hands-on play that is prepared by a therapist who has literally made a living over the past 30 years in figuring out the "best" items that grab children's attention, and work on important developing skills. On top of that, these play boxes provide easy ways to provide that child with play that has been researched, without the need for shopping or prepping. We have you covered! 

Mid to late August our one-time gift boxes will begin to be rolled out. These are our introductory boxes and will continue to provide valuable activities that are themed around the topic of the provided children's book.  Initially, we have 3 variations coming out, however, as time goes on, more will be added.

There is a lot of excitement going on for Miss Connie and Otie. We want you to feel comfortable with reaching out and asking questions about development and any concerns you have regarding your child's skill mastery. As well, if you have questions about our developmental boxes of play reach out! Together, we can tackle those gray moments or dark days when you or your child are struggling.

We cannot wait to meet you!


Join Waitlist HERE!


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