Bee You!
I mean who else could be as amazing as yourself?! Our "Bee You" Box is already getting some rave reviews coming in! I have filled this box with educational, sensory-rich, and multi-developmental FUN! Check out what is all included!

Start the unboxing experience by pulling out this sweet book! Your child will enjoy the friendship develop between Horesefly and Honeybee, plus get a feel for the theme of the rest of the included activities. Allowing your child to dump the box may lead to overwhelm and chaos! It is kind of like decision fatigue for us as adults. Given too many choices of "what to do" can lead to frustration. This box of goodies is meant to provide your family with a month-long of fun at your fingertips!

I do not typically include 2 books in our boxes, however, this month I felt the topic was just too interesting to not provide a non-fiction book as well. This book is only in our FULL EXPERIENCE box. It has amazing pictures and facts about the fascinating duties of all the types of bees that comprise the beehive. One subscriber has shared that their son has been busy all weekend quizzing family members about all of the facts he learned in this great book!

I spy with my little eyes...bees that need to find their way back to their honeycomb! Mix the provided rice in the sturdy box your contents come in. Follow the directions given to make the honeycombs. Dump in your sweet little bees and practice precision and hand strength by using your included little hand tongs to retrieve the bees!
There is something quite addicting and relaxing to running your fingers through a rice sensory bin and all 6 cups provided is enough to engage your child and provide ample opportunities for extension activities!
How about encouraging positive affirmations and attributions? Pull out a bee and state a "Be_____" statement! (ex Bee Great! Bee creative! Bee Forgiving, etc.)

Who doesn't love a "mini"? Check out the cute little drawstring bag with your child's own "Bee You" honey jar? This may just be the perfect opportunity to have a tasting session! I recently polled followers about what they used their honey for. I received responses including fruit, granola, tea, cheese & crackers, and oatmeal! Let me know what I have forgotten and what your family uses honey for! Included in both FULL EXPERIENCE and WEEKENDER boxes.

Who wants to paint? Get creative and paint a Bug Abode! Hang it outside and await the creatures that choose to take up lodging. My sweet neighbor created this with me on her birthday. It is hanging outside of our homes starting to gather interest from the great outdoor inhabitants. Included with FULL EXPERIENCE.

Just as a Bee needs to build, so does a child. Your 3-4 year-old may struggle with building a detailed 3 dimensional object from directions. However, that does not mean they cannot create with the amazing Plus-Plus building pieces. Simply working with these small pieces to interlock builds fine motor skills, creativity, and patience. Work on sequencing, patterning, counting, color sorting, or countless other ways. The size of this container is perfect for throwing in a purse to bring along for those times waiting may be required! Included with the FULL EXPERIENCE box.

Take all of the learning and use it to create some easy, fun projects! Included are all of the supplies to make this little Bee Life Cycle Craft. Cutting, pasting and sequencing give you the cutest little Bee! Both of our boxes include this little guy!

Need a moment, but the kids are at your hip? Get out the Honeycomb craft. Again, all of the supplies are there, including the glue! Set them up and let them put together the details to create some new fridge art! Included with both options of boxes.
Whew!! I told you this box was FULL! I love how it came together and I hope you do too! There are some BIG changes coming to Big Play in a Box! I cannot wait to begin sharing soon!!!
If you would like to get ahold of this box, I still have a few remaining boxes! The perfect way to get the summer started is with some structured and non-structured activities that will engage your kids while addressing important developmental skills! Check it out HERE!